ICST-2025 XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference
"Information Control Systems and Technologies"
24 - 26 of September 2025
About the conference
For 12 consecutive years, the International Scientific and Practical Conference brings together teachers, graduate students, employees of universities and research organizations. (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1297695647105081)
Participation in XIII INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE "Information Control Systems and Technologies (ICST-ODESA-2025)" free of charge
The purpose of the conference is the exchange of experience in scientific and practical research in: artificial intelligence; development and analysis of big data; blockchain and cryptotechnologies; control systems in robotic systems; data security and cryptography; ICT in network and administration; information systems and technologies in Data Mining; intelligent technology management; mathematical modeling; methodology and didactics of teaching and using ICTs; application development process; project management; systemic analysis; software development.
The ICST-2025 production is submitted for online publication in a separate volume of CEUR Conference Proceedings (Aachen, Germany, ISSN 1613-0073), indexed by Scopus and DBLP.
It is planned to publish theses based on the ICST materials. Selected articles in expanded form will be published in a collective monograph with assignment of ISBN, DOI, UDC, BBK
Prof. Kalashnikov Alexander (United Kingdom)
Prof. Kharchenko Vyacheslav (Ukraine)
Prof. Scott P Overmyer (USA)
As. Prof. Kucher Kostiantyn (Sweden)
Prof. Kumar Anil Tripathi (India)
Prof. Antoshchuk Svetlana (Ukraine)
Prof. Cariow Aleksandr (Poland)
Prof. Rychlik Andrzej (Poland)
Prof. Yuriy Kondratenko (Ukraine)
Prof. Vychuzhanin Vladimir (Ukraine)
Prof. Luengo David (Spain)
Prof. Hang Yin (USA)
Prof. Subbotin Sergey (Ukraine)
As. Prof. Tyshchenko Oleksii (Czech Republic)
Prof. Zhengmao Ye (USA)
Dr. Gorodnichy Dmitry (Canada)
Prof. Melnyk Viktor (Poland)
Prof. Elena Zaitseva (Slovak Republic)
Prof. Pakštas Аlgirdas (Lithuania)
Prof. Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem (Egypt)
Important dates
20 June, 2025
Last day for accepting applications
30 July, 2025
Pre-acceptance report, reviewers comments
30 June, 2025
Last day for submission of articles
30 August, 2025
Acceptance Notice
Section 1. Information control systems
1.1 Blockchain and Crypto Technologies
1.2 Control Systems in Robotic Systems
1.3 Data Security and Cryptography
1.4 ICT in Network and Administration
1.5 Methodology and Didactics of Teaching and Using ICT
Section 2. Intelligent systems and data analysis
2.1 Data Mining Technologies and Big Data
2.2 Intelligent control technologies
2.3 Artificial neural networks and machine learning
2.4 Applied intelligent systems
2.5 Intellectual models and knowledge engineering technologies
2.6 Multi-agent systems and distributed computing
Section 3. Modeling and software engineering
3.1 Mathematical and simulation modeling
3.2 Project management and risk assessment
3.3 Design and development of software applications
3.4 Software testing automation
3.5 Agile methodologies and business processes formalization
International Program Committee
Organising Committee
Technical committee
Committee secretaries:
Committee members:
Contact number from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on business days +38 (048) 705-85-69 — Chesnova Natalia Igorivna.
Article Formatting Guidelines
1. Originality:
- All submitted articles must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
- Using GenAI to create new text, such as paragraphs or even entire sections of an article, is ethically unacceptable. Academic articles must be original and owned by the authors. If authors have used GenAI in an article. They should make a statement about it. This declaration will help to maintain credibility and transparency for readers and ensure that the terms of use of these tools are adhered to.
2. Language and Length:
- Full papers in English are encouraged, with a length of 10-15 pages . Articles should be submitted as MS Word (.docx) files using the new one-column CEUR format: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJEmcFgogm0rFE8P3wS9XVsqTT_D40D4/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113482778144811651655&rtpof=true&sd=true
- Formatting instructions can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1imOc11Ffk-tZfLqia8WLQ99mmFL_BlB5/view?usp=sharing.
- All authors must provide meaningful affiliations and include their ORCID in the paper.
- At least one author should hold a PhD/Dr.Sc. in Computer Science and have at least 4 papers indexed in DBLP (https://dblp.org/).
- Each paper may have no more than 4 authors.
- A single individual may submit no more than 2 papers.
4. Author Agreement:
For each paper, authors must print, manually complete, sign, and scan the https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vUNoyzOf0bTzwY8vFsjO-Nij7cxD6qsB/view?usp=sharing The signed agreement should be sent as a JPG file to icst_nuop@ukr.net.
Submission Process:
1. Submission System:
Articles must be submitted through the EasyChair system.
2. Registration Form:
Authors must complete the registration form available at the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HpKeV_h1RuAJDuBTcj_BY1oyR2YqFo6mnDSkh55E0BU/viewform?edit_requested=true).
Important dates
08/20/2025 - application deadline
08/30/2025 – completion of abstracts of reports
30.08.2025 - end of payment acceptance
Requirements for Abstract Formatting
Manuscripts submitted for consideration must be the result of original research, hold scientific and practical significance, and must not have been previously published or intended for publication elsewhere.
- - Abstract Length: 1-3 full pages (including illustrations, formulas, tables, and references) in A4 format. Text should be typed in Times New Roman, 14 pt font, with a 1.5 line spacing in MS Word (doc). Animations are not allowed.
Page Settings:
- Paragraph indentation: 5 mm.
- Margins: 30 mm on all sides. - Text Alignment: Fully justified
- Hyphenation: Hyphenation within words is not allowed.
- Hyphenation: Hyphenation within words is not allowed.
Illustrations and Tables:
- Use Times New Roman, 12 pt font with single-line spacing.
- All figures and tables must have titles. -
- Should be created using MS Equation 3.0 and numbered in parentheses (1) if referenced in the text. -
- Should be provided at the end of the text and formatted according to GOST standards, including no more than 5 references.
- References should appear in the order they are cited in the text and be indicated with numbers in square brackets [1]. -
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC):
The UDC code should be placed on the second line of the first page in Times New Roman, 14 pt, bold, left-aligned with no paragraph indentation. The code should be determined according to the tables issued by the UDC Consortium (http://www.udcc.org). -
Document Structure:
1. Title in Ukrainian:
- Centered, 14 pt, bold, uppercase, no period at the end. -
2. Authors' Names:
- Centered, listed with initials separated by commas, 14 pt, bold, including academic degrees and ORCID.
- Below this, provide the affiliation, country, and email address in italic, centered . - 3. Title in English: Centered, 14 pt, bold, uppercase, no period at the end.
4. Authors' Names in English:
- Centered, listed with initials separated by commas, 14 pt, bold, including academic degrees.
- Below this, provide the affiliation, country, and email address in italic, centered. -
Abstract and Keywords in Ukrainian and English
- Requirements:
1. Abstract:
- The abstract should briefly summarize the purpose, methods, main results, and conclusions of the study.
- Length: 50–70 words.
- Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, single spacing. -
2. Keywords:
- Provide 5–7 keywords that reflect the main content of the study.
- Keywords should be separated by commas.
- Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, single spacing. - Placement:
Ukrainian Version:
- The abstract in Ukrainian is placed after the title and author information in Ukrainian.
- Keywords ("Ключові слова") follow the abstract. -
English Version:
- The abstract in English is placed after the title and author information in English.
- Keywords ("Keywords") follow the abstract. - Materials of theses must be sent to icst_nuop@ukr.net.
An example of an application for a conference participant. The application is made out as a separate file (the name of the file is the last name of the first author) and consists of 2 parts:
Conference name |
Title of theses of the report |
Number and name of the conference section |
Email address for sending conference materials |
Email address for sending conference materials |
The possibility of publishing theses (paper, electronic) |
2. Individual part of the application (for each co-author, information is issued separately!)
Author's full name |
Place of work (organization, university, without abbreviations) |
Position, department (without abbreviation), academic degree, academic rank |
Contact number |
E-mail |
Important dates
20.09.2025 - closing of applications
30.09.2025 - closing of submission of articles
30.09.2025 - completion of payment
Scientific articles submitted for publication must include the following elements:
- Problem Statement: A general presentation of the problem and its connection to significant scientific and practical tasks.
- Analysis of Previous Studies: A review of recent studies and publications addressing the problem, with references cited by the author.
- Unresolved Issues: Identification of previously unsolved aspects of the overall problem, which the article aims to address.
- Objective of the Article: Clearly stated research objectives and problem definition.
- Main Content: Presentation of the primary research material with comprehensive justification of the obtained scientific results.
- Conclusions and Prospects: Conclusions based on the study and prospects for further research in this area.
- References: A list of the sources used. -
Formatting Requirements: -
1. UDC (Universal Decimal Classification):
- Placed on the second line of the first page, Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, left-aligned with no paragraph indentation.
- The UDC code is determined according to the tables issued by the UDC Consortium (http://www.udcc.org). -
2. Title:
- In Ukrainian: Centered, 12 pt, bold, uppercase, no period at the end.
- In English: Centered, 12 pt, bold, uppercase, no period at the end. -
3. Authors' Names:
- Listed with initials separated by commas, centered, 12 pt, bold, including academic degrees and ORCID.
- Below the names, provide the authors' affiliation, country, and email address in italic, centered. -
4. Abstracts:
Structured abstracts of 100–250 words should be provided: In the article's original language, before the main text. In English, after the main text.
- In the article's original language, before the main text.
- In English, after the main text.
- Keywords must follow the abstract in both cases. -
5. Length:
- The article must be between 16 to 24 pages, including all materials (tables, figures, graphs, and references).
- The combined volume of tables and figures must not exceed 30% of the main content. -
6. Text Format:
- A4 page format, typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt, with 1.5 line spacing in MS Word (doc).
- Paragraph Settings: Indentation: 5 mm; margins: 30 mm on all sides.
- Text alignment: justified.
- No hyphenation in words.
- No deviation from the left and right margins. -
7. Figures and Tables:
- Typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt, with single-line spacing.
- All figures and tables must have titles.
- Tables should be created in Microsoft Word.
- Figure formats (e.g., tif, pcx, bmp) must be compatible with MS Word, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. -
8. Formulas:
-Created using MS Equation 3.0 and numbered in parentheses (1) if referenced in the text. -
9. References:
- Listed at the end of the manuscript in the order of citation.
- Must comply with GOST standards and include at least 10 sources.
- International and national standards cannot be used as references.
- Self-citation should not exceed 30%.
- References are cited using numbers in square brackets [1]. -
Materials must be submitted to icst_nuop@ukr.net.
Electronic edition | Paper edition | Paper edition of the monograph | ||
Ukraine | 190 UAH | 300 UAH | 750 UAH | |
Another country | 30 USD | 60 USD |
The cost of delivery of the collection of theses is included in the cost of publishing the collection of theses of reports.
Travel and accommodation at the expense of the conference participants.

Odesа Polytechnic National University
Shevchenko ave., 1, 65044, Odesa, Ukraine
Organizing Committee Location
Odesа Polytechnic National University, Shevchenko Avenue, 1, 65044, Odesa, Ukraine
Contact details:
+38 (048) 705-85-69
icst_nuop@ukr.net, 126.ist.onpu@gmail.com
https://icstod.wordpress.com/Conference participants will be issued certificates.
Expanded work formatted in accordance with requirements and performed with by citing ICST 2025 materials, it may be submitted for publication in international journals:

The conference will be held at Odesа Polytechnic National University. The cost of living is left to the conference participants.
Meeting place
ICST 2025 will be held in early autumn, and Odesa will be at its best: the city is famous for its hospitality and hospitality, beautiful parks, diverse cuisine, fascinating history and charismatic architecture.

By bus
A lot of routes lead to Odesa. More precise information is given on the website.
Website: http://ticket.bus.com.ua/?lang=en
By train
Station address: Station Square, 2.
Websites: http://odz.gov.ua/ и https://booking.uz.gov.ua/en/
Details of how to get to Odesa. odesa.travel и wikitravel.org.